+45 58 37 01 49
Tuesday - Saturday 12:00 - 15:00 / 17:30 - 21:00

About Madam Bagger

About Madam Bagger

A restaurant of quality, meticulousness and good service - situated in the heart of Korsør, close to Solens Plads (the city car park).

Madam Bagger is an interesting Danish restaurant with a tasteful and cosy interior decoration, including big visible beams. The half-timbered building dates back to 1893 and was used as a timber storeroom for many years.

Varied menu with dishes from a Danish-French cuisine, utilizing fine seasonal primary produce, enriched with experience and new thinking. The restaurant is called after one of the many exciting persons of this town: innkeeper, postmistress and much more Hedevig Johanne Bagger (1740-1822), who gave the citizens of Korsør culinary treats from her address Slottensgade 1 and 3. Restaurant Madam Bagger - from 1986-1994 known as "Tømmerladen" (i.e. timber storeroom) - was taken over by Fini Ravn and Kenn Birch Sørensen in February 1994. In the period 1990-1999, the partners successfully ran restaurant Pascal in Copenhagen, too. Since July 1999, Kenn Birch Sørensen is sole proprietor of Madam Bagger.

- a restaurant for modern times, rooted in the past -